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Three Part Budget - Capital Component

Function Code Description 2023-24
Adopted Budget
Proposed Budget
1620 Opertation of Plant $14,225,977 $14,686,379 $460,402
1621 Maintenance of Plant $3,263,090 $3,354,875 $91,785
1981 BOCES  $456,138 $472,953 $16,815
5530 Garage Building $93,200 $86,300 ($6,900)
9010 Employee Benefits $4,419,168 $4,616,201 $197,033
9710 Library Debt Service $0 $0 $0
9711 Debt Service - Bond Issues $15,254,775 $14,265,575 ($989,200)
9731 Bond Anticipation Notes $0 $0 $0
9760 Tax Anticipation Notes $1,155,000 $1,400,000 $245,000
9789 Energy Performance Contract $2,866,812 $2,866,812 $0
9901 Interfund Transfers $250,000 $2,000,000 $1,750,000
CAPITAL COMPONENT $41,984,160 $43,749,095 $1,764,935