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Kindergarten Registration

Kindergarten Registration Information for the 2025- 2026 School Year

Kindergarten Registration is now open!

If your child was born on or before December 1, 2020, they are eligible to register and attend our kindergarten program in September 2025.

YOU DO NOT NEED TO REGISTER FOR KINDERGARTEN if your child attends the Middle Country Universal Pre-Kindergarten program this year. 

YOU NEED TO REGISTER FOR KINDERGARTEN if your child is in a private child care/preschool facility or receives Special Education Services CPSE.

In order to register, you must bring the following:

  • New Entrant Form (completed)
  • Health/Contact Form (completed)
  • Housing Questionnaire (completed)
  • Home Language Questionnaire (completed)
  • Original and photocopy of Birth or Baptismal Certificate (with raised seal)
  • Immunization Record signed by a physician (NYS immunization requirements were sent in kindergarten registration packet)
  • Custody documents, if applicable
  • Photo Identification (ID)
  • Proofs of Residency


Proofs of Residency for Owners

One (1) of the following items:
Mortgage statement, Deed, property tax bill, or title
Two (2) of the following current items:
Utility bill, income tax form, voter registration, insurance bill, bank statement, state or government issued identification, driver’s license, learner’s permit or non-driver identification, pay stub, telephone bill, oil bill, DSS declaration or other original documents evidencing residency.

Proofs of Residency for Renters

One (1) of the following items:
Lease, sworn landlord affidavit (notarized), landlord statement (notarization optional) or unsworn third party statement, or a sworn residency affidavit (notarized).
One (1) of the following current items:
Utility bill, income tax form, voter registration, insurance bill, bank statement, state or government issued identification, driver’s license, learner’s permit or non-driver identification, pay stub, telephone bill, oil bill, DSS declaration or other original documents evidencing residency.


A child will NOT be registered if any of the above requirements are not met. 

Please have the kindergarten registration packet completed prior to your arrival.

If you have any questions regarding requirements for registration,
please call the Central Registration Office at (631) 285-8890.

Central Registration hours are Monday  - Friday 7:30 am to 3:30 pm


Parents with children 0 - 4 years old

If you currently have children under four years of age, please contact Central Registration at 285-8890 with your family's information regarding infants/toddlers for future mailings of pre-kindergarten and kindergarten registration information.

Registration Related Files