24-25 SCHOOL MEAL UPDATE: School Meals are free of charge!
MCCSD has been approved by New York State for the Community Eligibility Program (CEP) for 2024-2025. This means, all students are entitled to one NO-CHARGE school breakfast and lunch meal per school day. This No-Charge program will be in effect in time for the first day of school. We are asking, and will send frequent reminders into the school year, that all parents/guardians complete 24-25 CEP Household Income Eligibility Forms and submit them soon as possible (to the Food Service Office) so that our district’s eligibility for this program can continue into future years. Ala Carte items and second meals will be available as always, but they are not free, and cannot be charged (see upcoming menus for pricing) – we strongly encourage parents and guardians to establish MySchoolBucks Pre-Paid accounts for students intending to purchase ala carte items and/or second meals.
The links to the CEP Parent Letter and also the important CEP Meal Forms are below:
A continuación se encuentran enlaces a la Carta para padres de CEP y también a los importantes formularios de comidas de CEP:
Links to Forms/Enlace a Formularios