Health Insurance Marketplace Coverage Options and Your Health Coverage
What is the Individual marketplace?
New York State of Health, the Official Health Plan Marketplace, is a new way for people to shop for, compare and enroll in health coverage. It is also the only place to get financial assistance provided by the federal government to lower the cost of your health coverage.
To shop in the Marketplace, you:
1. Must live in New York
2. Must be a U.S. citizen, national or lawfully present immigrant (Different immigration rules may apply if you are eligible for Child Health Plus or NYS Medicaid or the Essential Plan based on your income)
3. Cannot be currently incarcerated. (Different rules may apply if you are eligible for Medicaid based on your income.)
4.Cannot be applying for coverage of nursing home care or care provided in a Residential Treatment Facility for Children and Youth, Developmental Center or Intermediate Care Facility for the Developmentally Disabled.
What is available through the individual marketplace?
The Marketplace gives you an easy way to compare health insurance plans so you can choose the one that's right for your health needs and your budget. Health insurance offered through the Marketplace will include a comprehensive set of benefits and coverage.
What kind of assistance is available?
In the Marketplace, you can apply for help to lower the cost of your health coverage.
The Marketplace will also see if you qualify for free or low-cost coverage from Medicaid, the Essential Plan or Child Health Plus.
Enter your zip code in the View Plans Now section above to see if you qualify for financial assistance and the types of plans available to you.
What are Insurance Affordability Programs?
Insurance Affordability Programs include Medicaid, Child Health Plus, the Essential Plan, Advance Premium Tax Credits, and Cost-Sharing Reductions. The Marketplace will determine if you qualify for any of these programs, which can lower the cost of your coverage.
To access the marketplace, please click the following link: