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How to Login to Google Services

Google Workspace Logo

All teachers, staff, and students have the ability to use G Workspace.

Teachers and staff will use their district network/email ID and password.  However there is one task that needs to be completed in order to begin.  Staff users will be required to change their district network/email password in order to login into Google Workspace, so their network/email account information syncs from our network to Google.  Please skip to the Self-Service Password Reset Section below.

Students will login to Chromebooks and Google Workspace, using the following: 

(first initial)+(first six or less characters of last name (if two last names or hyphenated, just the first last name))+(last three digits of student ID number)

For example, James Smithers with a student ID of 631285 becomes 

Passwords for Chromebooks/Google Workspace are the same and still match the network ID password. 


Self-Service Password Reset Portal for Staff

The Computer Center has implemented a new tool that not only helps staff members change their network/email password, but also gives them the ability to enroll in our self-service password reset system.  Should a user forget their password down the road, once enrolled, they’ll be able to reset it on their own.  The Middle Country Self-Service Password Reset portal can be reached by clicking the following logo or accessing it through the District website under District Email:


Once a user has enrolled in the Self-Service Password Reset portal and changed their password, they are now ready to log into the Google G Suite. G Suite can be reached by clicking the logo below or by visiting

Google Workspace Logo

District Google Workspace accounts entitle you to use Google Classroom.  Google Classroom requires you to sign up using your district email address and access must be verified by Google and the Computer Center, which can take up to 2 business days. Once enrolled, teachers will receive an email directly from Google.