Middle Country Education Foundation (MCEF)
MCEF Mission Statement
The mission of the Middle Country Education Foundation (“MCEF”) is to attract and distribute otherwise unavailable resources to the students of Middle Country Central School District so they can benefit from Academic, technological and career opportunities. The Foundation will fulfill this mission by creating and nurturing collaborative enterprises with local and other corporations, individuals, community-based organizations, service groups and/or other public and private education institutions. The Foundation will provide an opportunity for any individual, business and/or organization interested in sharing resources and gifts to promote the success of students in the Middle Country Central School District.
What have we done:
The Middle Country Education Foundation organizes various fundraisers such as an annual golf outing and silent auction. All the proceeds provide educational enhancements for our students. Each year the MCEF provides scholarships to deserving district students. The Foundation has provided funds to DECA for competition, The Robotics Club, the Lego and STEM program, the Wellness Expo and to support the MCCSD NYSSMA State Competition teams. The Foundation also continues to support the restoration and updating of the district’s Planetarium.
What we hope to do:
Our goal is to provide available seed money for projects that will enhance students’ educational experiences, Grant availability may vary annually. The intent of this program is to support creative efforts in the classroom, but is not meant to substitute the district responsibilities i.e., to replace / provide regular classroom material, supplies and books.
General information:
- The Foundation may make grants available for professional staff and students in the areas of:
Curriculum Development, Creating Teaching Initiatives, Educational Equipment, Specific Projects/Independent Studies, Teacher Recognition, Special Assemblies/Guest Speakers, Visiting Artists/Authors. - Applications must be acting on behalf of the Middle Country Education Foundation School age children (Grades Pre-K to 12).
- Payments will be made directly to the program provider.
- Please note after Foundation review of requested funds the request may be sent to the Assistant Superintendent for Instruction if appropriate.
- Please note equipment and software purchased through MCEF becomes the property of the MCCSD.