Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion @ Middle Country
We are committed to ensuring that our schools are inclusive, respectful, and emotionally supportive places of learning. We are in the process of forming an Equity & Diversity Committee with the objective of incorporating the 4 principles that organize the New York State Education Department’s CR-S Framework:
- Welcoming and Affirming Environment
- High Expectations and Rigorous Instruction
- Inclusive Curriculum and Assessment
- Ongoing Professional Learning
- Welcoming and Affirming Environment
WE ARE COMMITTED to ensuring that our schools are inclusive, respectful, and emotionally supportive places of learning. We believe that children learn best when they feel safe in school and seen as a whole person. We recognize and regard multiple expressions of diversity (e.g., race, ethnicity, socioeconomic status, gender identity, language, sexual orientation, nationality, religion, ability) as assets for teaching and learning.
WE CELEBRATE the diversity of our district and ensure a welcoming and affirming environment where all students and their families feel welcomed and included.
OUR INCLUSIVE CURRICULUM and assessment practices promote student voice and agency. We will consistently review instructional practices to ensure they adapt to diverse learning styles.
WE SEEK TO EMPOWER STUDENTS as agents of social change. High expectations for all students and rigorous instruction encourages students to experience academic success. We promote student leadership opportunities and civic engagement through an integrated approach to education.
WE ARE REFLECTIVE and strive to create awareness of potential barriers for students in the school environment that result from implicit bias. We are dedicated to providing ongoing professional learning and support in order to ensure curriculum includes the histories, languages, and experiences of marginalized communities and to aid students in understanding the power of speech and symbols.