School Nurse
When to Keep Your Child At Home
- Vomiting within the last 24 hours
- Diarrhea within the last 24 hours
- Temperature of 100 or higher within the last 24 hours without anti-fever medication
- Any symptoms of acute illness such as persistent cough, runny nose and body aches, draining eyes
Reasons Why Your Child Should Look and Behave Like Him/Herself For 24-48 Hours Before Returning to School
- To protect your child from exposure to more infection before/he/she is able to build resistance
- To protect the other children and school staff from communicable diseases that your child may transmit
If your child sees his/her primary care provider or other health care practitioner and misses school, please obtain a "Return To School Slip" to return to school.
State Requirements Regarding Medications, Immunizations and Physicals:- Medications may only be given by the school nurse with a doctor and parent note and the medication in the original container.
School nurse:
Mrs. Mellor
Office 631-285-8710
Fax 631-285-8701