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Congrats SCMEA PEAK!
Congratulations SCMEA PEAK!
Five of our 4th Grade Students were selected to participate in the Suffolk County Music Educators PEAK Festival this past Saturday, October 28, 2023.
PEAK stands for Parents, Educators and Kids, which is a 4th grade festival where students have the unique opportunity to make music along-side their parents and music teachers.
This year’s festival included ukulele, drumtastic drums alive, folk dancing, parachute, singing fames, world music drumming and more!
Congratulations to:
Stagecoach Students: Gabby Doell, Grace Papalia, Elizabeth Baldwin and music teacher Mr. Scott Kubik
Holbrook Road Students: Syeda Zaira Zanib, music teacher Ms. Marisa Caliguri, and Kaylee Baires